Markets Summary


Securities Type of Title Price (%) Variation (%) N° of Business Quantity Amount

Order Book

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Trading Code Type of Title VNUA / Dividend Coupon Rate (%) Issue Date Maturity Date Last Quotation Buy Sell
Quantity Price Quantity Price

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Evolution of Quotes


Primary Market Rate
Basic Rate of the BNA 19,00 %
LUIBOR Overnight Rate 23,56 %
Accumulated Inflation 26,09 %
BTs - 91 Days 10,50 %
BTs - 182 Days 17,75 %
BTs - 364 Days 18,25 %
OT-NR - 2 Years 13,50 %
OT-NR - 3 Years 17,30 %
OT-NR - 4 Years 24,00 %
OT-NR - 5 Years 15,00 %
OT-NR - 6 Anos 25,00 %
OT-NR 7 Anos 16,25 %
OT-NR - 8 Anos 21,00 %
OT-NR 9 Anos 16,60 %
OT-NR 10 Anos 23,00 %

Average price

Maturity Buy Sell
24 95,22 94,84
25 94,56 96,09
26 100,27 98,63
27 101,46 104,35
28 106,13 107,13
29 106,31 104,04
30 109,80 109,05
32 106,13 110,79
33 101,86 100,28
34 0,00 103,51
35 66,95 65,93
40 66,30 75,84
41 65,99 66,96
Maturity Buy Sell
24 105,06 107,48
25 107,29 108,82
26 105,00 116,50
27 111,00 109,01
Maturity Buy Sell
No records found
Maturity Buy Sell
26 100,24 100,35
Maturity Buy Sell
No records found
Securities Average price
BCGAAAAA 14 914,54
BAIAAAAA 33 549,07
Maturity Buy Sell
24 1 052,72 0,00
26 0,00 1 124,12
Maturity Buy Sell
25 100,00 0,00