Markets Summary


Securities Type of Title Price (%) Variation (%) N° of Business Quantity Amount
12 000,0000 -7,69000 % 25 156 2 042 100,0000
50 000,0000 -9,09000 % 18 69 3 717 000,0000
17 000,0000 - 0,00000 % 15 58 986 000,0000
104,0000 % - 0,00000 % 10 4 817 547 168 519,4070
120,7745 % 1,77450 % 8 6 951 8 515 136,3591
100,0000 % - 0,00000 % 5 223 872 900 214 344 850 735,2230
98,8410 % - 0,00000 % 1 24 700 2 197 372 415,0144
Obrigações Ordinárias
98,9000 % - 0,00000 % 1 5 51 408,5617
99,9000 % - 0,00000 % 1 3 307 970,0892
99,9900 % -0,01000 % 1 100 102 140,4077
99,9990 % 9,73600 % 1 25 2 644 798,3699
100,0000 % - 0,00000 % 1 69 176 59 999 519,2683
100,4500 % -4,00000 % 1 45 4 753 586,0066
101,3280 % - 0,00000 % 1 10 340 1 008 526 600,7813
102,0000 % - 0,00000 % 1 175 19 091 261,9406
104,0370 % - 0,00000 % 1 3 325 927,9890
105,0000 % 1,00000 % 1 1 108 452,8846

Order Book

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Trading Code Type of Title VNUA / Dividend Coupon Rate (%) Issue Date Maturity Date Last Quotation Buy Sell
Quantity Price Quantity Price
BAIAAAAA Acções 4.291,00 NA NA 50.000,00 50 45.000,0000 6 50.000,0000
BCGAAAAA Acções 897,00 NA NA 12.000,00 385 10.500,0000 97 12.000,0000
ENSAAAAA Acções 0,00 NA NA 17.000,00 289 15.000,0000 403 17.000,0000
SNLEDOFB Obrigações Ordinárias 10.000,00 17,50 % 2023-09-14 2028-09-14 98,90 10 88,0000 383 98,9000
STDRUFVA OIC Fechado 50.000,00 NA 2024-03-15 2027-03-15 62.000,00 -- -- 98 62.000,0000
BE14L25A BT-364 dias 1.000,00 19,00 % 2024-07-15 2025-07-14 890,00 930 855,0000 -- --
OJ27U25A OT-TX 1.144.147,61 5,25 % 2019-06-27 2025-06-27 110,00 -- -- 20 104,0000
EI10I26A OT-ME 10.000,00 5,90 % 2021-05-10 2026-05-10 105,00 -- -- 8 99,0000
EG22S25A OT-ME 10.000,00 3,70 % 2022-09-22 2025-09-22 100,00 -- -- 20 100,0000

Disclaimer: Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document was correct at the time of publication. However, BODIVA SGMR S.A does not accept any responsibility for decisions taken or related to systems or other work performed by any party based on this document. This document is not an investment recommendation, does not constitute any kind of advice, nor is it an offer to buy or sell or has the intention to request an offer to buy or sell financial instruments. Additionally, for shares admitted to trading, dividends paid correspond to the last financial year.

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Evolution of Quotes


Primary Market Rate
Basic Rate of the BNA 19,50 %
LUIBOR Overnight Rate 20,70 %
Homologous Inflation 29,17 %
BTs - 91 Days 17,50 %
BTs - 182 Days 9,48 %
BTs - 364 Days 13,43 %
OT-NR - 2 Years 15,00 %
OT-NR - 3 Years 15,00 %
OT-NR - 4 Years 14,00 %
OT-NR - 5 Years 15,00 %
OT-NR - 6 Anos 15,25 %
OT-NR 7 Anos 16,25 %
OT-NR - 8 Anos 21,00 %
OT-NR 9 Anos 16,60 %
OT-NR 10 Anos 23,00 %

Average price

Maturity Buy Sell
24 89,40 87,63
25 95,38 93,74
26 102,30 102,49
27 102,54 102,57
28 106,22 106,62
29 106,62 114,00
30 110,19 110,15
31 104,50 0,00
32 106,76 109,02
33 101,57 100,37
34 113,38 103,17
35 66,95 65,93
40 66,30 75,84
41 65,99 66,96
Maturity Buy Sell
24 0,00 104,16
25 105,91 109,19
26 105,00 116,50
27 107,50 109,28
Maturity Buy Sell
No records found
Maturity Buy Sell
26 100,14 100,32
29 100,00 0,00
Maturity Buy Sell
BT-364 867,50 0,00
Securities Average price
BAIAAAAA 41 987,73
BCGAAAAA 14 403,41
ENSAAAAA 20 596,36
Maturity Buy Sell
No records found
Maturity Buy Sell
25 100,00 0,00